Welcome to
Branch Funeral Homes

Helping You Grieve
Our experience has taught us that when losing a loved one, those left behind feel lost and alone.

Unique Service Options
Since we specialize in making every funeral as personal and expressive as possible …

Meet Hudson
Our grief therapy dog and the most adorable member of our family. Providing comfort to people of all ages, when they need it most.

Onsite reception centers
Welcoming Reception Center. Convenient venue for informal reception after the service …

We believe in personal attention and uncompromising quality. We are proud of our long standing traditions, our serene facilities and steadfast commitment to serving families in their deepest time of need. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We believe in personal attention and uncompromising quality. We are proud of our long standing traditions, our serene facilities and steadfast commitment to serving families in their deepest time of need. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

John, Henry and Paul Vigliante
3rd Generation | 4th Generation | 3rd Generation
Four Generations of Hope, Guidance & Compassion

Receive FREE Request Now Planning Information
Helping You Plan
Are you looking to add a personal touch to your loved one’s funeral service? Would you like to browse through our catalog of viewing merchandise? Maybe you want to learn more about planning your own funeral. We’ve made all of this information — and more — available for you to explore in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Kind. I think that's the word for them. There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for us. They were wonderful and so appreciated.