Barry W. Schlaks

December 17, 1947 ~ January 24, 2021
Barry was born in Brooklyn on December 17, 1947. Just as the saying goes- he always had had a little bit of Brooklyn in him. After serving four years in the armed forces, Barry met Karin Stollman, got married, and began working as a mail handler or the United States Postal Service. Barry and Karin raised two children- Melissa and Brian in Rockville Centre, NY. After retirement and divorce- Barry met his longtime companion, Mary Healy. They enjoyed traveling and watching their many grandchildren grow.
Barry loved nothing more than a Sunday afternoon of watching football and snacking. He had a sweet tooth and loved a good skirt steak (smothered in onions) or a Janowski’s burger fresh from the grill. Barry loved playing racquetball – a sport he played for over 40 years.
Barry is survived by his children Melissa ( Mike), and Brian ( Dawn) and their children – Lily, Emma, Jacob, Ava and Eli. He is also survived by his step-children Kerry (Greg), Tara (Ron), and Tracy (Chris) and their children – Matthew, Liam, Nicholas, Lucas, Andrew and Noah.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:
DAV – Disabled American Veterans
P.O. Box 14301
Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301
Visitation: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Branch Funeral Home Smithtown
190 E. Main St.
Interment: Friday, February 7, 2025 12:26 pm
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The family greatly appreciates donations made to these charities in Barry W. Schlaks 's name.
DAV – Disabled American Veterans
P.O. Box 14301
Cincinnati, OH;jsessionid=00000000.app30110a?df_id=18792&18792.donation=form1&mfc_pref=T&NONCE_TOKEN=112786D0E64F375ED507975940D45671
Sorry to hear about your Dad’s passing. I was surprised as I wasn’t aware he was sick.
May your Dad rest peacefully and keep watch over those he loved. ❤️