Loving father, great husband, and dear friend has joined other angels to watch over his family and friends. May God rest his soul and welcome him to His kingdom.
My dear Leo, my dear friend,Thank you for all the great times we had together, especially in the challenging times when we were alone in NYC. Thank you for your sharp and intelligent comments and especially for your wonderful jokes that only you could tell. Thank you for all the nice things that you shared with us and thank you for making me laugh so loud that I had to close doors.Your friend Karin
Leo’s friendship, dating back to elementary school in Trešnjevka suburb of Zagreb, brings many dear memories: we shared excitement of growing up and going to first parties. Years later, when we got together on Long Island – it was obvious that our relationship did not change, the passage of time was irrelevant, as a sign of true friendship. In the years that followed, Leo, Jadranka and I went through many joyful moments, but also through some existential crises. Simply said: Leo’s cool attitude, sense of humor, and sharp wit, enriched our experiences and made life more enjoyable. Leo’s presence will be greatly missed, but the memories remain bright and rewarding.
I am sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences. I hope you will find some comfort and strength in Jesus promise of the earthly resurrection(Acts 24:15)and the renewed Paradise earth, where death will be no more and no family will mourn the death of a loved one.-Revelation 21:3,4;John 5:28,29;Luke 23:43. May GOD(Psalms 83:18)grant you peace and comfort now, during this grievous time.Matthew 5:4.
Dragi LeoI sada te vidimo onako dragog, visokog i markantnog, s lijepim i sirokim osmijehom, tako da nam je tesko prihvatiti kako nece biti novih susreta i kako su to postale uspomene i dio sjecanja na sve one drage koje smo bespomocno otpratili. Dragi Leo, u zalosti zbog tvojeg ranog odlaska, uz tugu svih onih koji su te voljeli, ostajemo s dragim i lijepim sjecanjima na tebe.Uz iskreno saucesce tvojoj obitelji, svima koji su te voljeli i svima bezbrojnima kojima si bio drag,Jagoda i Dino
Dragi Leo, Tvoj odlazak me podsjetio na neke zaboravljene trenutke i druženja iz našeg djetinjstva i mladosti. Hvala ti na tome! Sada kad si prešao prag Vje�nosti putuj u miru, slijedi Svjetlo i pronađi spokoj među tvojim dragima koji te o�ekuju. Bog te blagoslovio, Leo!
Dragi Tomi!Ob prerani izgubi tvojega o�eta, ki si mu v najtežjih trenutkih življenja nesebi�no in predano stal ob strani, ti izrekamo iskreno sožalje.Breda, Zdeslav, Jure in Katja Jamšek iz Mengša ter teta Hela iz Kamnika
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Loving father, great husband, and dear friend has joined other angels to watch over his family and friends. May God rest his soul and welcome him to His kingdom.
Neka pociva u miru Bozjem dragi covjek i prijatelj Leo. Valentini i cijeloj obitelji zelim snagu i nadu.
My dear Leo, my dear friend,Thank you for all the great times we had together, especially in the challenging times when we were alone in NYC. Thank you for your sharp and intelligent comments and especially for your wonderful jokes that only you could tell. Thank you for all the nice things that you shared with us and thank you for making me laugh so loud that I had to close doors.Your friend Karin
Our prayers are with you and your family.
Leo’s warmth and love will be sorely missed. We extend our deepest sympathy to Valentina and the family.
Leo’s friendship, dating back to elementary school in Trešnjevka suburb of Zagreb, brings many dear memories: we shared excitement of growing up and going to first parties. Years later, when we got together on Long Island – it was obvious that our relationship did not change, the passage of time was irrelevant, as a sign of true friendship. In the years that followed, Leo, Jadranka and I went through many joyful moments, but also through some existential crises. Simply said: Leo’s cool attitude, sense of humor, and sharp wit, enriched our experiences and made life more enjoyable. Leo’s presence will be greatly missed, but the memories remain bright and rewarding.
Zbogom dragi Leo! Po�ivaj u miru!
Leo always stood out as a great human being.
Zbogom Prijatelju,
Zbogom dragi Leo..R.I.P:
Always kind, generous of spirit, a dear friend, full of joy, humor and good nature, Leo, you will be deeply missed by our family.
Dragi moj bracek – sa sjetom i veseljem sje─çam se svi trenutaka koje smo proveli zajedno i neizmjerno ┼╛alim za onima koje nismo.
Our thoughts are with this family in there time of grief
Sutlanska, Zorkovecka, Piroš Čarda, Kecerini i još mnoga druga mjesta. Leo, vidimo se.
U vje�noj svjetlosti po�ivao u miru.
I am sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences. I hope you will find some comfort and strength in Jesus promise of the earthly resurrection(Acts 24:15)and the renewed Paradise earth, where death will be no more and no family will mourn the death of a loved one.-Revelation 21:3,4;John 5:28,29;Luke 23:43. May GOD(Psalms 83:18)grant you peace and comfort now, during this grievous time.Matthew 5:4.
Drag Leo pocivaj u miru Bozjem i svjetlosti vjecnoj.Nase molitve za Tebe i obitelj.
I never asked you if you believe in soul mates. I do, and I will be looking out for you. Miss you immensely.
Dragi LeoHvala ti na svim lijepim trenucima koje smo zajedno proveli. Po�ivao u miru.
Dragi Leo,uvjek se rado sjecamo zajedno provedenih trenutaka u Malinskoj.Pocivao u miru
Dragi LeoI sada te vidimo onako dragog, visokog i markantnog, s lijepim i sirokim osmijehom, tako da nam je tesko prihvatiti kako nece biti novih susreta i kako su to postale uspomene i dio sjecanja na sve one drage koje smo bespomocno otpratili. Dragi Leo, u zalosti zbog tvojeg ranog odlaska, uz tugu svih onih koji su te voljeli, ostajemo s dragim i lijepim sjecanjima na tebe.Uz iskreno saucesce tvojoj obitelji, svima koji su te voljeli i svima bezbrojnima kojima si bio drag,Jagoda i Dino
Tomaz / Mirela – Sorry to hear about your dad. Please accept our condolences. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Po�ivaj u miru.
Pocivao u miru.
Dragi Leo, Tvoj odlazak me podsjetio na neke zaboravljene trenutke i druženja iz našeg djetinjstva i mladosti. Hvala ti na tome! Sada kad si prešao prag Vje�nosti putuj u miru, slijedi Svjetlo i pronađi spokoj među tvojim dragima koji te o�ekuju. Bog te blagoslovio, Leo!
You were a great man, all the way, thank you so much for being part of our lives. Heaven has improved much since it took you up.
Dragi Tomi!Ob prerani izgubi tvojega o�eta, ki si mu v najtežjih trenutkih življenja nesebi�no in predano stal ob strani, ti izrekamo iskreno sožalje.Breda, Zdeslav, Jure in Katja Jamšek iz Mengša ter teta Hela iz Kamnika
Pocivaj u miru.