Ronald Vassallo

August 2, 1957 ~ June 10, 2016
Beloved husband of Elizabeth.Loving father of Benjamin (Bonnie) & Drew.Adored son of Doris Vassallo (Joseph Turturro) & Henry Vassallo (Nancy).Devoted brother of Mary Ann, David, & Peter.Dear uncle of Martin (Brady).
I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the family for the loss of your dear Ronald. I hope that you will find comfort in the words of Jesus at John 5:28,29 where he promised that the day is coming when he is going to resurrect those in the grave. Until then, it is just like they are sleeping. (John 11:11-13) May you draw stength from Jehovah, the God of all Comfort.
My father cared for and loved his family with every moment he had
I was blessed to have had Ron in my life for the past 15 years. From the moment I met him he took me under his wing and cared for me as if I was his own child. He was an amazing man with and amazing family that now I am even more blessed to be a part of. Rest in peace Dad.
Ron.. may God accept you into his kingdom and know that in the here and now everyone that has known and cared for you will remember your positive spirit and your enduring smile. Safe journey my friend.
You fought hard and were a pioneer for others facing Melanoma. They’ll be many stories told of awesome ski trips, concerts, horseback riding and just the enjoyment of life.
Ronnie was a fantastic guy, a good friend, and a great club owner. I treasure my memories of hanging out with him. But mostly, I thank him. I met my first wife at Ronnie V’s and if not for that, I may not have my two wonderful children. Godspeed my friend.
Dear Brother, You lived your life to the fullest bringing your joy and generosity to every moment. You have been the person I knew I could count on. Most importantly you were a loving husband and father that made sure no matter what challenges came your way your family would have everything they needed and more. You and Beth made a welcoming home for all of us, the place we wanted to be. My heart is broken. Love always, Mary Ann.
Dear Beloved Son, You were easy to raise from the day you were born. You will always be that little boy sitting on the steps in Elmont, diaper on, oreo cookie in hand. You have a great family that I love who devoted themselves to taking care of you. You fought the battle bravely knowing no cure was in sight. I was in awe of the strength you showed. Proud to have you as my son. Thank you for the happy times and great memories Ron, With my prayers, go in peace. Love always, Mom.
I knew Ronnie at Mad Hatter Stonybrook.. then Ronnie V’s.. such a nice happy guy! RIP
I’ll always have good memories of Ron. He was a kind and caring person. I’ll always be thankful to have known Ron as a fellow classmate, and friend. He’ll always be part of my extended family. God bless.
I send my deepest condolences to Drew & his family as well as loved ones.
We’re so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful husband and father.We will miss you so much.
Rest in Peace Ronnie
I’m so sorry for your loss and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Loved Your Dash My New York Cowboy!
Rest in peace, my good friend and fellow classmate. I know your birthday was 2 days ago. Hope you had a good one. May God’s love be with you.
I’m shocked by the news that you have passed buddy…. You were always a good friend and someone that went outta your way to help me when I got into the automobile business over 20 years ago…. We had lots of fun together kid, my condolences to Beth and the kids … RIP RONNIE V , IM GONNA MISS YOU BRO …..DREW
To the Vassallo Family,
There was a quote from Ron Vassallo, supporting Alexandria Tutoring Consortium (ATC). Searching some background, I was surprised and saddened to learn of his passing. Obviously, Mr. Vassallo cared about others AND worked toward putting effort toward making a difference!
May you find comfort in your memories as well as from part of what he said in that quote: “…if you want to change the world, begin by lifting up one person.” Inspirational.
Pei Wang
Alexandria, VA
Prayers going out always for you,
Beth & the entire beautiful
Vassalo clan……