Veronica Franco

April 11, 2001 ~ September 30, 2014
Veronica quietly but firmly embraced life and held it tight, making sure to get from it what beauty and joy it had to offer. She played the cello, was teaching herself the guitar, including her favorite Johnny Cash songs, and sang with the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. Her curiosity about all things - people, animals, the natural world - was deep and piercing. A voracious reader, it was not uncommon for her to finish a 500-page novel in a weekend. With her mighty collection of cameras, she took beautiful pictures and inquired about pretty much everything. Preternaturally bright and industrious, Veronica was an 'A' student and was set to begin this school year in all 'honors' classes. Veronica was a giving soul. She would pull little children to her lap, read to them, engage the attention of her elders, get hilariously silly with friends and dote on any dog or cat she came in contact with - and there were a lot of dogs and cats, including her faithful companion Murray. With luminous blue-green eyes and a coy smile, she beamed a subtle joy and love that warmed us all. 'Would you like this?' 'How can I help?' and, always, 'Thank you' - offered with a nonchalant grace. But Veronica's trademark was her laugh: pealing bells, at the same moment innocent and wise. Its music is with us always.
On behalf of the Officers and Members of the United Teachers of Northport, I extend our deepest and sincerest sympathy to Veronica’s family and friends, especially her parents Joanna and Tom. While there are no words which could possibly ease your unbearable pain, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you with strength and comfort.
On behalf of the Officers and Members of the United Teachers of Northport, I extend our deepest and sincerest sympathy to Veronica’s family and friends, especially her parents Joanna and Tom. While there are no words which could possibly ease your unbearable pain, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you with strength and comfort.
Veronica has been an athlete, a dancer, a singer, a traveler, an animal lover, and a child adored by her beloved parents and so many others. She also proved to be an incredibly valiant soul who fought more bravely than anyone we’ve ever known. Wishing you peace, sweet Veronica — and knowing that you are running and playing and singing — with many puppies running by your side (and episodes of ‘Pysch’ playing on a continuous loop). Much love to all the Francos…
So sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing such a beautiful strong courageous soul with the Rocky Point community. Veronica and her beautiful smile that she always had on will be deeply missed.
This candle perfectly symbolizes the light that Veronica brought to the lives of everyone who was fortunate enough to have met her. What a blessing it was to have had her in our ours. All our love, V, always. The Davis’
So sorry
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
So terribly sorry for your loss. May the memories of your sweet little girl help you through this very difficult time. Please know so many are praying for you and your family.
We will always remember you Veronica.
There are no words adequate to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. Your daughter was an inspiration to everyone around her. We feel so lucky and blessed to have known her beauty and grace. We will keep her spirit alive with the many memories we hold close in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.
May God bless Veronica and be with her and her family at this very sad time… and may Veronica’s beautiful smile and spirit be an inspiration to us all. Peace be with Veronica, Joanna, Tommy and family.
To the family of Veronica Franco, Jesus said ‘ Do not beamazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all thosein the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.'(John 5:28,29). Earthly resurrection.
Words cannot express how saddened I am. I love you, I miss you, and I’m so lucky that I had the chance to know you sweet Veronica!
Veronica has now become an Angel looking over us all. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Tommy, Joanna and your families. You all are in our prayers.
God bless you, Veronica. Love, Mr. Krapf
Thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. May you find peace during this difficult time!
In loving memory of Veronica Franco. You inspired us all with your tremendous courage, warmth, and wonderful talent.
Thank you for letting us hear you sing with MYO and NY-ACDA. We will always remember your laugh and smile.
so so sorry… many prayers and much love to you and yours
RIP VERONICA.I love you so much! Your my best friend and always will be and i miss you so much it hurts. I hope your having fun with Blu, Zelda and Bruiser. I love you hubby and I’m gonna miss watching How I Met Your Mother with you! I love you to the moon and back, and I’m glad your not suffering anymore.
You will be missed.
Sweet, sweet Veronica. Sad beyond words. Heaven became more beautiful as Veronica joined the angels. Deepest prayers and love to the Franco family.
My deepest sympathies go out to Veronica’s family and friends. I was lucky enough to get to know her last year in my English class and to be inspired by her unique personality and her strength. I’m just one of many whose lives she touched!
Tom & family, Caela, Lily & I carry big, open, tender hearts for you. You are each constantly in our thoughts & hearts.
No words just love
Tom and family, Our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out to you during this difficult time, and we are so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, we never met Veronica, but reading about your daughter, she truly sounds very special in many ways. We are so sorry and all of our love and prayers go out to you. You are in our hearts.
Veronica our Beautiful Baby, Love you forever and ever. Thank You for all the beautiful memories and good times. The angels are so very lucky to have you now. God Bless You Always.
This beautiful girl has made heaven an even more beautiful place.
I thought about Verinica today. Mainly her traits and how I remembered her, now 10 years later. Thinking back I thought she surely was a fire sign, being a confident kid, talkative, bold, and compassionate, a protecter of the weak.
Looking at her date of birth, I was correct. Veronica was an Aries.
My daughter back then was a bit of a loner, an intellectual type and odd by the standards of most 13 years old kids growing up these days. She was picked on at school a bit by the most popular kids and had trouble making friends usually. I am sure Veronica saw all that; she grew up in New York and was a savvy kid. A cool kid, but Veronica saw my daughter as nothing less than a good friend. The times they were together she watched out for her like an older sister, though they were the same age. And if anyone would have picked on/ made fun of her, Veronica surely would have knocked their block off. Veronica was a tough kid, with a keen sense of justice I admired now looking back on it all.
My daughter is in medical school now. She mentioned Veronica to me today, and this is how I remembered her. Only 13…. thinking back on her level of maturity, I would have thought she was much older. A special kid for sure.